Modern Language Assocation Style or MLA Style is generally used by disciplines within the Humanities.
Disciplies Using MLA Style Include But Are Not Limited to:
Free tutors for:
They are now available to help (in the Humanities and M/S buildings) with your writing papers and studying in other subjects.
For more information go to their tutoring website.
Welcome to the NTCC Library MLA Citation Guide. Here you'll find information about citing books, periodicals, newspapers, and electronic material in your MLA Works Cited page, as well information about in-text citation formats.
The 8th ed. MLA Style Manual is located at the Circulation Desk and in the Reserve Stacks.
Go to the Circulation Desk with some I.D. and you may look at it inside the library.
The 9th ed. (pictured above) is undergoing processing to be able to be checked out. All changes in the MLA guide are of the MLA 9th ed.